Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

A more social Europe (PO4)

Interact supports programmes who have adopted the Policy Objective 4: 'A more social Europe' to exchange on their experiences. The goal is to develop knowledge in order to support programming, project management, as well as the collection and communication of results and impact. 

The Policy Objective benefits from Interact's past experience in running a thematic network on Inclusive Growth, which covered the issues tackled in PO4 under the specific objectives:

  • Labour market and access to quality employment through developing social infrastructure and promoting social economy.
  • Access to services in education, training and lifelong learning, including distance and online.
  • Inclusion of marginalised communities, low income households and disadvantaged groups, including people with special needs, through integrated actions, including housing and social services.
  • Integration of third country nationals, including migrants through integrated actions, including housing and social services.
  • Access to healthcare.
  • Role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation.

Who this network is for

The network is open to programme representatives involved in the management of projects under PO4. It also gathers thematic experts, European Commission representatives, stakeholders and other EU co-funding programmes that are interested in working on EU social policy.

What we are working on

The network will reconnect and relaunch at the Interreg Knowledge Fair in Riga, Latvia. 

Following this relaunch, online and an in-person meeting will be planned for later in 2024.

During 2024, the network will also have a focus for post27 discussions on how Interreg contributes to the Union Social Policy


For more information please contact Mercedes Acitores.

Exchange Community

Interact offers an online space for those working with A more social Europe to share information and exchange. If you would like to learn more about this, please contact Mercedes Acitores.

If you are already a member of the Community, you can access it here.

Additional resources

Interreg skills for a quality job

How Interreg changed my life (youth focus)

Life is just beginning | Interreg focus on ageing - Inclusive Growth Network

Access to the healthcare | Interreg focus on health - Inclusive Growth Network

Easier access to healthcare: What can Interreg do? Setting the context for Interreg new calls I Synergies with other funds. Horizon Europe I Carmen Laplaza

Youth Road Show in Southeast Europe | Inclusive Growth Network

Interreg Youth Roadshow I Slawomir Tokarski

Report | Youth & Employment Opportunities in EU Cooperation 2014-2020

Projects Catalogue | Youth and Employment Opportunities in EU Cooperation 2014-2020

Infographic I Youth & Employment Opportunities in EU Cooperation 2014-2020

Full Report | Healthy and Active Ageing in Interreg (2014-2020)

Report | Health and Ageing in Cooperation Programmes

Infographics I Healthy and Active Ageing in Interreg (2014-2020)

Factsheet | Health and Ageing in Cooperation Programmes

Project Fiches| Healthy and Active Ageing in Interreg (2014-2020)

Skills for a quality job

Report |Access to Healthcare in European Territorial Cooperation programmes

Infographics | Access to healthcare

Publication | Interreg supports healthcare: How we responded to COVID-19

Presentation | Easier access to healthcare

Presentation and Conclusions | Healthcare cross-border cooperation in EU and IPA countries

Presentation | Interreg in Covid times | EU Regions Week

Presentation | Resilient societies and economies - social innovation made by Interreg

Presentation | Youth Employability

Presentation | Joint event on Tourism and Culture in PO4 and PO5

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