Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

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Cross border obstacles

10 May 24 1 min read

b-solutions. Solving Cross-Border Obstacles is an initiative of DG REGIO and AEBR to assist public bodies and cross-border structures in overcoming border obstacles.

The objective is to help local actors involved in cross-border cooperation to overcome those legal and administrative obstacles which hinder collaboration across borders. Legal and administrative obstacles can arise due to different regulations or diverging administrative procedures – but also for missing a legal framework that works across borders. For instance, when it’s complicated to develop a public transport or to manage common resources with the neighbouring region.

In these instances, the b-solutions initiative offers support to look for solutions.

Many Interreg programmes are aware of such obstacles, and some have prepared studies to tackle them.

Share studies you prepared within your Interreg programme or information your stakeholders communicated you on legal and administrative obstacles hindering projects and actions of cross-border cooperation.

You can provide data, research, reports, or any relevant information that highlights specific obstacles faced in cross-border cooperation by sending an email to  b-solutions[at]

In return, the b-solutions team will review the shared information and take necessary actions to address the identified issues and involve relevant stakeholders.

The b-solutions initiative can help Interreg programmes and actors in their regions to tackle obstacles and make cross-border cooperation a viable option to offer better services and a more social Europe.

More information on the b-solutions project is accessible here:

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