Join forces in evaluation
18 March 24 3 minutes read
This is an open invitation to join forces in developing evaluation approaches for important topics. This comprehensive reflection process is to support the launch of impact evaluations and facilitate the exchange on evaluation perspectives and methods. The ultimate outcome of this exercise is to contribute to shaping the future.
This pilot exercise is meant as a bottom-up approach in which participating Interreg programmes collaboratively decide on topics for exchanges & reflections, the methodology and the main findings/messages to be communicated. This means, that the pilot exercises are designed to target the specific needs, relevance considerations, and interests of the participating programmes. Based on the expressed interest, several pilots with different topics will run in parallel. We recommend that a minimum of four to five programmes collaborate on each selected topic.
Interact will facilitate the exchange with the pilot groups. At a later stage in the process external expertise will be hired by Interact to support the development of methodologies and check the planned approaches for consistency, understanding and practical feasibility.
In the different pilots Interreg programmes will agree on
· common aim/objective/outcome, reach a common understanding of the aim, objectives and the outcome of the pilot exercise.
· common evaluation questions, define and agree on common evaluation questions, impact pathways and core messages which can be communicated to stakeholders and policy makers.
· common evaluation methodology, elaborate a method together and agree on which data needs to be collected therefore.
Exemplary topics: (complete list see in the google sheet)
· Harmonised approach to capture & highlight the added value of Interreg
· Evaluation spotlight on sustainable tourism as very popular topic in many programmes (SO 4.6 as a financial heavy weight in Interreg)
· Evaluation spotlight on cooperation actions promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience (SO 2.4 as a financial heavy weight in Interreg)
· Mediterranean area: 7 programmes looking into some topics together related the area
· 4 TN programmes on territories of MRS: How are the programmes adding value to the MRS and vice versa?
· IPA programmes: Cornerstones for a shared approach to evaluating the contribution to the accession dimension(s)
· TN programmes and their three common messages: Finding the right questions to harvest convincing narratives
· ISO1: Key points to evaluate governance achievements taking a more holistic perspective (going beyond sector perspectives)
· SPF as an instrument
· The role of investments in cooperation
Next steps:
- March to 15 May: Selection of topics (agree on pilots)
List of topics to be tackled: until 15 May Interreg programmes can propose and sign up for different topics in the google sheet. A topic will be selected and implemented in case there is a critical mass of 4-5 Interreg programmes). Interact will select 4-5 topics and communicate the result to the programmes
- 15 May to December: Kick of first pilots: Online meetings 2-3 discussion rounds (per topic) to agree on evaluation questions, methodology, main messages to be communicated and the elements of the ToR (if agreed by the Interreg programmes a pilot could also kick of later during the year or only at the beginning of 2025)
- From 2025: Online meetings 2-3 discussion rounds to collect feedback, discuss findings and agree on common messages to be communicated.
Further questions:
In case you have any questions please contact us (Daniela Minichberger, Besiana Ninka and Bernhard Schausberger) under: evaluation[at] or if you would like to join forces with other programmes, please check the topics in the google sheet. and sign up for them.
Read Time: 3 minutes