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Discover the new data hub for EU border regions ACROSS


16 January 25 2 minutes read

The European Commission launched the new data hub for European Union border regions last month. This powerful tool provides standardized geo-located data on cross-border interactions alongside robust socio-economic indicators. Known as project ACROSS, the platform is accessible through a user-friendly interface featuring interactive data visualisation available here. It offers a wide range of statistics and analyses across various domains, including public transport (even missing rail links), healthcare and crisis management, among many others.

 ACROSS builds upon datasets collected by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) since 2017. These datasets have been combined with robust and consistent socio-economic indicators and variables provided by the Joint Research Centre (JRC). The result is harmonised and comparable data designed to support evidence-based policymaking

Project ACROSS further underscores the importance for Interreg programmes to include their project and partner data in As one of the few platforms linked to the ACROSS website, plays an important role in amplifying the visibility and utility of cross-border initiatives.

Read Time: 2 minutes

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