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How to speed up spending rates of the 2014-2020 programmes? Approaches and strategies


The COVID-19 pandemic followed by the energy crisis and a war of the Russian Federation in Ukraine has greatly affected the implementation of Cohesion policy programmes in the past three years. With the final eligibility year in place (all projects have to incur their expenditure by 31 December 2023), Interreg programmes have to ensure the high spending rate of their programmes’ budgets to finalise all activities, deliver all targets and values of the performance framework to avoid decommitment of funds. The European Commission has introduced several mechanisms to help programmes to finalise implementation of the 2014-2020 programming period (e.g., flexibility offered by the FAST-CARE Regulation, amendments to the closure guidance, etc.).
At this seminar, we would like to exchange with Interreg programmes on the measures proposed by the EC. We would also provide a platform for programmes to share their approaches and plans to ensure high spending rates of the 2014-2020 programmes.
Target group
The staff of joint secretariats/ managing authorities of all Interreg programmes.

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