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Indicators in action/2

Programme evaluation and indicators

In this meeting, we will continue discussing commonly used Interreg indicators that have generated debate in previous discussions (IKF session in Riga March 5 and the online events on May 15, June 24). We will focus on programmes' feedback, provided in the Excel file, regarding the following indicators:

 Common Output Indicators

    RCO116: Jointly developed solutions

    RCO87: Organizations cooperating across borders

 Common Result Indicators

    RCR79: Joint strategies and action plans taken up

    RCR84: Organizations cooperating post-project

 We will evaluate each indicator based on its description, programming definition and interpretation, assumptions and calculation issues, guidance to applicants, contracting challenges, project monitoring, communication on results, proposed amendments, and additional comments.

 If times allows, we'll review any other Interreg common indicators and programme-specific indicators suggested by you. This discussion will then continue in the Vienna meeting.

 The meeting is targeted at colleagues interested in our informal working group on indicators. Your participation and commitment to all planned activities and events until late autumn are crucial.

If you are not yet a member of the informal working group on indicators and are interested in participating in this meeting, please contact us:


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