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our job is to make it easier.

Regional Network meeting of programmes in Central and South-East Europe

Central and South East

The Interact Office Vienna is pleased to invite you to the 17th edition of the Regional Network meeting of Interreg programmes in Central and South-East Europe. This year, the meeting will take place in the beautiful city of Sarajevo on September 25th and 26th, 2024.

This annual network meeting serves as a platform for Interreg programmes and the Interact Office Vienna to collaboratively address daily management issues, mainly focusing on CBC programmes. Interact Office Vienna will facilitate discussions, the exchange of ideas and the sharing of best practices to tackle common challenges and differences.

The network meeting provides an excellent opportunity to engage with Interreg programmes and representatives from the European Commission to discuss recent developments and current implementation topics. Interact Office Vienna also uses this occasion to identify any pressing needs and address programme requests, ensuring comprehensive support for both general programme management issues, and also more specific aspects related to the external cooperation and the integration of non-EU member States in this region.

Participants will have the chance to engage in discussions with colleagues from various Interreg programmes on current topics, common challenges and difficulties, and to explore solutions together. This event aims to foster joint learning and the exchange of experiences and information, primarily among Interreg programmes in Central and South-East Europe. The network meeting is also open to all interested Interreg programmes that wish to contribute to and benefit from these discussions.

As always, your input during registration will help us prioritize this year's meeting agenda.



Start at: 25 September 2024 09:00

End at: 26 September 2024 13:00

End at: 26 September 2024 13:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)


Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina




Start at: 25 September 2024 09:00

End at: 26 September 2024 13:00

End at: 26 September 2024 13:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)


Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



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