Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Implementing SCOs


We would like to continue our journey with SCOs in Interreg. Starting off with practical aspects of implementation of the off-the-shelf flat rates such as 40% for other costs or 15% for travel and accommodation, through programme specific unit costs, finishing off with interesting and inspiring SCOs examples.

We would also follow on the combination of SCOs and RBMV topic, focusing this time on practical examples, practical reflections on adjustment of programme methodologies.

As the EC guidelines on SCOs are in the process of the update for 2021-2027 programming period, we will dedicate a separate session to this document. During the session we will brief you about the scope of changes, we will update you about the timeline of the work and we want to hear your thoughts about the document.

Last but not least, we also want to kick-off the discussion on the future of SCOs for Interreg in post 2027. The session is designed as a starter to the main dish that will take place in November, during the harvesting event.

As always, during the event participants will also receive updates on various SCOs news and updates.

Target group

Finance/project managers from joint secretariats/ managing authorities of Interreg programmes, working with SCOs.

The draft Agenda for this event is available here.


Start at: 26 September 2024 09:30

End at: 27 September 2024 12:45

End at: 27 September 2024 12:45

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)




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Start at: 26 September 2024 09:30

End at: 27 September 2024 12:45

End at: 27 September 2024 12:45

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)




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