Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Network meeting for Audit Authorities and Group of Auditors’ members


The networking meeting brings together the representatives of Audit Authorities and Group of Auditors’ members working with Interreg programmes and provides a unique platform for exchange and collaboration exclusively for this community. The meeting takes place in Vienna on 11 and 12 June. The second day (12 June) is dedicated to the hands-on JEMS training covering all modules required for the AAs day to day work.
The Interact network complements discussions that take place in the Homologues Group and Technical Meetings organised by the European Commission, and provides a forum for going deeper into the ”hot topics” of the Technical Meetings, as well as for tackling some of the specific issues connected to Interreg. 
The meeting also provides an opportunity to exchange in person about various issues with the European Commission auditors and peers from AAs and GoAs.

The Agenda for this event is available here.


Start at: 11 June 2024 09:00

End at: 12 June 2024 01:00

End at: 12 June 2024 01:00


Vienna, Austria


Register Here


Przemyslaw Kniaziuk

Przemyslaw Kniaziuk

Service delivery

Accounting function, Audit, Irregularities, State aid

+34 609 367 203


Register Here


Start at: 11 June 2024 09:00

End at: 12 June 2024 01:00

End at: 12 June 2024 01:00


Vienna, Austria


Register Here


Przemyslaw Kniaziuk

Przemyslaw Kniaziuk

Service delivery

Accounting function, Audit, Irregularities, State aid

+34 609 367 203