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Management verifications in Interreg

Irregularities Management verifications Anti-fraud and risk Public procurement

Interact organises this recurring event with our colleagues from the Managing Authority INTERREG 2021-2027, Unit C "Management Verifications" based in Thessaloniki, Greece. 

The objective of the workshop is to discuss and present the methodology for risk-based management verifications developed by the Managing Authority, which applies to the entire programme. The event also aims to provide a platform for participants to engage in productive discussions and exchange ideas related to challenges from management verification in 2021-2027, control of simplified cost options, and Harmonised Implementation Tools developed by Interact toward the relevant programmes' documents concerning management verifications. We will also discuss and evaluate the control during 2014-2020, including cases from the activity of control, irregularities, and financial corrections that could be avoided.

The target public will be the members of the network and staff of the different authorities of Interreg programmes: MAs, AAs, JSs, NAs, and Controllers.  

About the network  

The network that started in 2018 with physical meetings in Thessaloniki is composed of the following Interreg programmes: INTERREG VI-A "Greece-Bulgaria", "Greece-Italy", and "Greece-Cyprus" CBC programmes INTERREG IPA "Greece-Albania" and "Greece-North Macedonia". The network has a problem-solving approach, primarily focusing on facilitating information exchange, sharing experiences, best practices and lessons learned from management verifications while ensuring the transfer of fundamental knowledge to the programmes' controllers - the "train the trainer" part. 

You can find the draft agenda here.


Participation in the network meeting is upon invitation only.

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