Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Indicators: Learning from 21-27 for 28-35

Harmonisation and simplification

The uptake of common indicators for Interreg has been convincing. Now, after first years of implementation it is important to take stock of practical experience with these indicators. At the Interreg Knowledge Fair we have had a first quick exchange with many of you. We’ve learned that some of the indicators deserve a closer look and more discussion to make sure their use follows a shared approach and is considered supportive.

 We invite you to discuss the current set of indicators along the RACER criteria (relevant, accepted, credible, easy to monitor and robust). We are organising this meeting in close cooperation with Dora O’Neill and John Walsh from DG Regio’s Evaluation and European Semester unit.

 The meeting is part of wider a discussion process to start looking into the future of common indicators for the next period. The meeting is planned as kick-off for the process, we want to exchange on the planned process, its purpose and scope and our point of departure from initial discussion at the Interreg Knowledge Fair in Riga.

Further milestones planned in the process are:

·        Online meeting June 24, morning; going into discussion about those common Interreg indicators that have received rather controversial labels in Riga;

·        Over summer: Survey among all programmes on the use of indicators;

·        Late October: In-person meeting to discuss the findings from the survey and results of previous discussions.

The results will feed into the larger ‘harvesting event’ in late November 2024.

 The meeting targets mainly the colleagues that have shown interest in our informal working group on indicators. We want to highlight that since the consultation process on indicators is far more meaningful if there is readiness and commitment on your part to join all activities and events planned from now till late autumn.


Start at: 15 May 2024 10:00

End at: 15 May 2024 12:00

End at: 15 May 2024 12:00





Daniela  Minichberger

Daniela Minichberger

Service delivery

Programme evaluation and indicators

+43 664-81621-88

Besiana  Ninka

Besiana Ninka

Service delivery

Interreg IPA, Partnerships, Roles and responsibilities

+43 664-81621-87

Bernhard  Schausberger

Bernhard Schausberger

Service delivery

Cross border obstacles, EGTC, Localism (PO5 CLLD), Programme own consultations, Small project funds, Territoriality and SBS

+43 664 88 32 5381



Start at: 15 May 2024 10:00

End at: 15 May 2024 12:00

End at: 15 May 2024 12:00





Daniela  Minichberger

Daniela Minichberger

Service delivery

Programme evaluation and indicators

+43 664-81621-88

Besiana  Ninka

Besiana Ninka

Service delivery

Interreg IPA, Partnerships, Roles and responsibilities

+43 664-81621-87

Bernhard  Schausberger

Bernhard Schausberger

Service delivery

Cross border obstacles, EGTC, Localism (PO5 CLLD), Programme own consultations, Small project funds, Territoriality and SBS

+43 664 88 32 5381
