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our job is to make it easier.

19th Interact III Monitoring Committee meeting and the 5th Interact IV Monitoring Committee meeting

Interact programme

Interact will hold its 19th Interact III Monitoring Committee meeting and 5th Interact IV Monitoring Committee meeting on 11-12 June 2024.

The Interact III Monitoring Committee will gather on 11 June to receive information about the closure process of Interact III and the steps that shall be taken after the submission of the closure documents.

On the same morning, the Interact IV Monitoring Committee will start with a programme management update, followed by the operational evaluation of Interact IV and an update on the Interact Academy. The Monitoring Committee will also make a decision on the Strategic Implementation Document, version 2.0.

In the afternoon, there will be a presentation on the implementation of communication and visibility actions, followed by a workshop on Interact Post 2027 public consultation, closing the first day of the meeting.

On 12 June, the day will start with an update on Jems, followed by the presentation of the second version of the Thematic Capitalisation Strategy. After a brief break, the Interact Work Plan 2024 version 2.0 for the second half of the year will be presented, followed by closing remarks. A decision will be taken concerning the next Monitoring Committee, which Belgium will chair.

The meetings will take place back-to-back, starting with the MC19 meeting on 11 June in the morning, followed by Interact IV MC05 divided between the rest of the day and the morning of 12 June. The estimated end of the meeting is 12:30 CET on the second day.


Start at: 11 June 2024 09:00

End at: 12 June 2024 12:30

End at: 12 June 2024 12:30


Valencia, Spain


Please note that participation in this meeting is upon invitation only.


Petra  Masácová

Petra Masácová


Interact programme

+421 2 48264 130



Please note that participation in this meeting is upon invitation only.


Start at: 11 June 2024 09:00

End at: 12 June 2024 12:30

End at: 12 June 2024 12:30


Valencia, Spain


Please note that participation in this meeting is upon invitation only.


Petra  Masácová

Petra Masácová


Interact programme

+421 2 48264 130
