Cooperation can be complex;
our job is to make it easier.

Communication skills and tools

In implementing their tasks, communication officers are able to call on a huge array of tools to support them. Navigating these tools has a number of significant challenges, from first challenges in identifying tools that are best suited to supporting you, to working out which ones need investment to unlock the features that can best support you.

Interact has identified areas of interest, including free-to-use design tools, as well as the incoming game-changing generation of AI tools. 

Of course, this work is part of a package of activities coordinated to support primarily communication officers, but also colleagues with other specialisms who also take on communication challenges. 

Where to start

The key resources section highlights several self-contained resources to help start with different topics. Furthermore, often when training in specific skills, we highlight the tools that can help you achieve your objectives. We will link the relevant trainings below.

What we are working on

A certified training in video making is planned for the end of 2024. In addition to our own certified training, you can find below a list of previously offered trainings from Interact and the Commission which may be useful. 

A new toolkit, the Project Communication Toolkit is planned for 2024, to help programmes get their beneficiaries communication into shape quicker. Building on an exchange of practice with programmes, this toolkit collects best practices from a number of programmes, including the (programme) communication toolkit previously developed by Interact. 

A new project will seek to build a significant collection of stock Interreg photography, combining high quality photos from programmes, along with AI generated photos covering key topics and common keywords in Interreg work. While all AI generated images will be clearly identified as generated by AI, the combined library will be offered to programmes royalty-free to support their work. 

Key resources 

Video tutorial on free design tools


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