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Network meeting of Interreg programmes in the Baltic Sea Region

Baltic Sea

The need for closer cooperation between programmes has been highlighted throughout the 2021-2027 programming process. The network in its meeting will continue discussing practical cross-programme coordination efforts in implementation of Interreg programmes 2021-2027. The network meeting will provide an opportunity to exchange on programme developments, with a special focus on synergies between programmes and projects, including planned approach towards programme capitalisation. One of the aspects addressed will be the project platform call planned by Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. We will also continue discussing work with environmental projects and practical cooperation with the coordinators of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

We invite all Interreg programmes in the Baltic Sea region to join the informal discussion.


Start at: 30 November 2023 09:30

End at: 30 November 2023 03:00

End at: 30 November 2023 03:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)






Start at: 30 November 2023 09:30

End at: 30 November 2023 03:00

End at: 30 November 2023 03:00

* All times as per central Europe (CET/CEST)





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